
💻 Download the code from GitHub

Go to releases on our GitHub repo and download the latest release available. Upload it to your VPS or NodeJS Server and unzip it.

⚙️ Editing settings

Now open settings.json and edit the file as you need, we recommend changing the following (options are explained more in the settings.json reference):

The name and logo
"name": "Lapsus Client",
  "logo": {
    "url": "/assets/img/logo_background.png"
The port and secret
"website": {
    "port": 8000,
    "secret": "changeme"
Pterodactyl settings
"pterodactyl": {
    "domain": "https://panel.yourdomain.com",
    "key": "ptla_",
    "account_key": "ptlc_"
Discord OAuth2 settings
"oauth2": {
    "_comment": "Go to https://discord.dev/ and create an application to set these up.",
    "id": "",
    "secret": "",
    "link": "http://localhost:8080",

💉 Starting the Client

Start the NodeJS Server with the "Start" button if you are using a Pterodactyl Server.

If you are using a VPS, go to the Lapsus directory and run node .

You should see something like this:

Now login using the URL you setup and you will be ready to login for the first time!

🕛 Running Lapsus Client even if you close SSH

Follow these commands to make Lapsus Client work 24/7:

sudo npm install -g forever

Check your on the LapsusClient folder

forever node .

After this, Lapsus Cient will be running 24/7 on your VPS even if you close the SSH Client (ex. PuTTY)

✔️ All done!

To see your next steps, continue on to the following pages:

💬Configuring Discord📄settings.json🧩Extensions and Themes🚈Configuring a Reverse Proxy

Last updated