Using the installation script

πŸ”Login to your VPS and run the following command

bash <(curl -s

Now relax and let the script make some magic ✨

Lapsus Client will run once the installation script finishes

Note: On some systems, it's required to be already logged in as root before executing the one-line command (where sudo is in front of the command does not work).

Important: - Check you don't have NodeJS 15 or lower installed. If you have it remove it using apt or your packages manager and run the script (it'll install NodeJS 18) - If you're using port 8080 on your machine, Lapsus will crash when it automatically starts. To avoid this open setttings.json and change "port" from 8080 to any other unused port (ex. 9999)

βš™οΈ Editing settings

Now open settings.json and edit the file as you need, we recommend to change:

πŸ’‰ Starting the Client

Now run node . , if you set everything correctly, Lapsus Client will show something like this:

Now login using the URL you setup and you will be ready to login for the first time!

πŸ•› Running Lapsus Client even if you close SSH

Follow these commands to make Lapsus Client work 24/7:

sudo npm install -g forever

Check your on the LapsusClient folder

forever node .

After this, Lapsus Cient will be running 24/7 on your VPS even if you close the SSH Client (ex. PuTTY)

Last updated